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  • 11/12/16 - Aldrich Point to Welch and Quinns Islands - Level 2

11/12/16 - Aldrich Point to Welch and Quinns Islands - Level 2

  • November 15, 2016 8:09 AM
    Reply # 4392438 on 4371757

    Aldrich Point - Nov 12, 2016:   Canceled because of forecasted wind conditions (15 to 20 mph, gusting to 28)

    Moved reply from Trip Organizer Trip Report Template: November 16, 2016 6:09 AM
  • November 08, 2016 8:56 PM
    Message # 4371757
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This trip is limited to members with a wet exit certification.  To successfully register you will need to sign into your OOPS member account, and your account will need to be a member of the "Wet Exit Certified" group.

    Narrative:    "We will launch from Aldrich Point, located on the Columbia River about 20 miles east of Astoria, and paddle upriver on an incoming tide to explore the eastern end of the Lewis and Clark Refuge.     Highlights include poking around the narrow sloughs and passages of Welch Island, lunch on a sandy beach at the east end of Welch, and return along the marshy north shore of Quinn's Island, and back to Aldrich Point on the outgoing tide.  

    Driving distance from Portland is about 85 miles and should take about 1 hour 40 minutes on Saturday morning.    Parking is limited at Aldrich Point; ride share if possible."

    Meeting Time:    8:30:00 AM
    Launch Time:    9:15:00 AM

    Type of activity:    Paddle Trip
    Put in:    Aldrich Point
    Take out:    Aldrich Point
    Route Alternative for bad weather:    Scappoose Bay

    Required equipment:   
    Minimum Immersion protection:    Drysuit
    Primary Organizer:    Bob Hyslop
    Assistant Organizer(s):   
    Has organizer paddled here before?    Yes
    Has organizer led an OOPS paddle here before?    Yes
    Organizer's first aid and CPR current?    Yes
    First Aid /CPR Person:   
    Maximum number of paddlers:    7
    I certify that I understand and will conduct this activity in accordance with the OOPS Activity Policy:    Yes

    Estimated Air Temperature:    55
    Estimated Water Temperature:    55
    Estimated Water Time:    4 1/2 hours

    Tide times & heights:    Knappa:  0550 1.1 ft,   1140 9.2 ft,   1845 -0.2 ft
    Current information:    Prairie Channel (Quinns) 0810 slack, 0950 0.8 flood, 1200 slack, 1630 2.0 ebb

    Wind strength:    Level 2:  7-12 knots (14 mph) – wind noticeably effects movement of paddle

    Swell/Surf size:    Level 2:  Waves up to 2', no breaking waves

    Sea state:    Level 2:  Waves up to armpit; light to moderate chop, scattered whitecaps

    Landing types:    Level 2:  Frequent landing opportunities including docks or moderate sloping banks, brush or overhanging trees

    Currents:    Level 2:  Mild currents (up to 2 knots): current increases / decreases group speed by half

    Total distance:    Level 2:  6 to 11 miles
    Open crossing:    Level 2:  Less than 1 mile

    Overall rating:    Level 2

    Chart for paddle location

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  • 11/12/16 - Aldrich Point to Welch and Quinns Islands - Level 2
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