OOPS Policies
We value safety above all else. Don't do anything that doesn't seem safe to you. Within those constraints, please cooperate with your trip leader as much as possible.
Please become familiar with our Activity and Wet Exit polices, found on our documentation page , before you head out (OOPS has limits on the number of participants on our trips, and requires that all participants be able to safely wet-exit and assist in their own rescue).
OOPS Listserv and Facebook Policies: It is inappropriate to post anything directly critical of a club member to the Listserv or on Facebook. Any issues about any individual’s conduct should be directed ONLY to the board for appropriate action. You can contact the OOPS Board at board@oopskayak.org.
Other Posting rules:
- Please limit posts to things that are related to OOPS events OR may be of interest to OOPS members that are related to paddling and other outdoor activities. OOPS Admins reserve the right to review and delete posts as needed.
- Commercial posts are allowed but must be limited to paddling and outdoor activities, and no more than 2 per month per person. Classes by OOPS affiliated retailers are welcome, but please limit posts to one for each event/sale. If in doubt whether a commercial post is appropriate, contact one of the Admins and ask BEFORE posting.
- ABSOLUTELY NO POLITICAL ADVOCACY OR DEROGATORY COMMENTS OF A POLITICAL NATURE! Our common interest is in paddling and outdoor activities, and we intend to keep communications specific to that interest. Any political posts/comments will be deleted and the offending person will be warned. Any further offenses by that person and they will be blocked from this group. References to potentially political events that might be of interest to our community are allowed but must be informational in scope and details and follow-on discussions deferred to another referenced site.
- Trolling/personal attacks will result in the offending post being removed, and a warning to the poster. Further infractions will result in the offending person being blocked.
- (Facebook-specific - the Listserv is open only to members) Non-OOPS people are welcome to join this group. People who live out of this area are welcome, but please remember that this group is OOPS-specific in its content. For anyone living out of the OOPS area (NW Oregon/SW Washington) this can be a place to gain valuable local knowledge of this area in preparation for a visit, and questions to the OOPS membership are welcome.
The Listserv and Facebook group are actively moderated, and the admins work hard to maintain them as places that fit the above criteria.