Paddling trips are published to our calendar. These trips are proposed and led by members (see below). Most are in the Portland area and do not require a high level of paddling skill. Some trips are planned as overnight trips. All trips carry designated ratings for required skill and endurance to assure that all participants have the necessary skills for the trip to be successful and enjoyable (see our Trip Rating System page for details). We generally have at least one trip each weekend during the warmer months, with less frequent trips in the winter months. Members may also get together for informal trips by using the club’s email listserv.
Want to contact our organizers and instructors? If so, please visit this page.
- OOPS requires that all participants be able to wet exit and assist in their own rescue. Please review the Activity and Wet Exit policies in our documentation page
- OOPS does not own any paddling equipment - all paddling gear must be provided by the participants. Please check with our local retailers for rental packages.
How to Propose a Trip
Trip Organizers: Go to the bottom of this page and fill out the form as usual.
Everyone Else:
- ‘Float’ your trip idea to the OOPS Listserve (or e-mail and see if you can generate enough interest to attract at least 5 or 6 participants.
- Contact and share your trip idea. If the trip is doable, the Trips Director will assist in recruiting an organizer.
- When a trip organizer agrees to do the trip, and puts it on the calendar, you, the trip proposer, will serve as “Trip Initiator,” and can help with all the logistical details like arranging car pools, meals, etc.
Trip Organizers/Instructors:
- Propose an official trip/class for the calender here (you need to be logged in to submit a proposal).
You will need to manually manage the actual attendee list just like the “good old days.” (see below *)
- Make sure you and your co-organizers sign up for your trip as soon as it is posted!
- If you need to find a co-organizer, please e-mail "" (for Level 1 and 2 trips), "" (or Level 3 or higher trips), or contact one of the organizers found on the Organizers and Instructors page directly.
- * While the website will automatically keep track of who signed up for your trip (in order of sign-up) and a waiting list, you still have ultimate control over who goes on your trip (and are encouraged/required to screen those you do not know). You need to manually manage the actual attendee list just like the “good old days.” Using the system to cancel someone from a trip, move someone from the waiting list to active status, or find out who is on the waiting list (although you get a copy of every wait list e-mail, so this should be easy), cannot be done by organizers. Participants can cancel themselves, however, using the instructions in the e-mail they get when they successfully register for a trip.
- At present you will need to manually enforce the policy that only members who are Wet-Exit certified may go on your trip. The registration e-mail you get copied on when they register will show you if they have been wet-exit certified.
- More details can be found in this post on the Trip Organizers Forum (you need to be logged in)
- Once done with your trip/class, please fill out the Post-Trip Report (you need to be logged in to submit the report), then post what you think is appropriate in the topic for your trip in the Trips Forum.
- Trip Organizer Candidate mentors, use the Mentor Post-Trip Report form: When submitted, this form will only be seen by the TO Committee. Please provide detailed answers to the following mentor questions:
- What were your impressions of the TO Candidate?
- Are there issues (skills, leadership style, preparedness, etc.) that need to be addressed?
- Is the candidate able to be an effective leader? Why or why not?
- Is the candidate ready to lead on their own? Why or why not?
- What additional training/mentoring does the candidate think they need? Do you agree with their self-assessment?
Board member instructions for posting trips/classes here.
New Trip Organizers/Instructors: please submit your paddler resume to