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Please consider helping support our club with a tax deductible donation. OOPS is a 100% volunteer supported organization that offers over 100 trips each year plus classes, training and other club activities. Our only source of revenue is membership dues and having additional financial support enables us to offer more of the activities for our members. Use the donations form below to donate. Any amount is greatly appreciated. 

OOPS is a 501(c)3 non-profit (EIN: 91-1850639). No goods or services were provided to you in exchange for your donation. OOPS does not attest to the value of donated goods. Keep this receipt for your tax records.

To view your donation details online, log in at with your email and password. You will find it in your profile page.

Don't know your password? Reset it here
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*Amount ($USD)
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In-kind donations

OOPS is now accepting in-kind donations.

What’s “in-kind” you ask?

In-kind donations are things - not cash. For example: kayaks, kayak racks, paddles, dry suits, wet suits, float bags, dry bags. OOPS will give you a receipt for your taxes, then we will either distribute to new paddlers or sell for cash to support our programs.

For more information on in-kind donation, please click this link

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