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Join Us!

Join OOPS to participate in kayak day trips, classes, events and the camaraderie of our members.   Membership is open to all in the paddling community: Kayaks, Sups, Canoes.   Given the many benefits you can get from joining OOPS, it's a steal at the annual fee of $45/individual or $75/family!

How to Join the Club Online

Joining OOPS online is the fastest way to start your OOPS membership.  Your membership record will be updated immediately upon signup and payment of the membership fees.   Note:  if you are joining via the "Family" membership level, please take a moment to visit this page to help you understand how to set that up.

When you join online, your Payment options include :  PayPal®, Credit / Debit card (handled via PayPal - no PayPal account needed), or Check (make your check payable to OOPS - instructions below).

NOTE:  You are likely to get two receipts for your payment:  one from OOPS, and one from PayPal.  Don't worry, you only paid once!

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Select membership level

* Mandatory fields
* Membership level


If you prefer to join or renew your OOPS membership in person or by mail, please follow these steps.   
Note:  It can take 1-2 weeks to process these requests, so we recommend that you join online if you can.

  1. Print and complete the OOPS Membership Application (PDF)
  2. Make your check payable to OOPS.
  3. For Kayaking Professional Memberships, please provide proof of employment at local kayak shop.
  4. Mail your application, check (and vendor proof if required) to :

    Oregon Ocean Paddling Society
    29030 SW Town Center Loop East
    Suite 202, Box 228
    Wilsonville, OR 97070

  5. Or bring your application and check to the monthly OOPS General Meeting


To check your membership status:

For membership signup or renewal questions, email

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