Hi Emese, I'm Joe Howell. I organized the pool session. My apologies for leaving out my name in the post. I will change that for future sessions.
When people arrive, we always try to help each other get boats to the pool. If you'll let me know what you're driving, I will keep an eye out for you and gladly give you a hand. I'll be there a little early, anyway. I'll be in a blue Camry with two boats up...a red and white Grand Illusion and a skin-on-frame.
When we do a Wet Exit Cert, it includes doing reentries, as well. If there's time, we also try to give people at least one self-rescue technique to work on.
As for working together after wet exit, people often work in singles and multiples. If you ask, someone will probably be glad to work together. If I am not otherwise tied up, I'll be glad to work on some things with you.
Now that I posted this, I see that Bob also responded below. Thanks, Bob!
See you all there!