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  • 3/12/17: Newberg-Wilsonville: The Sequel (Level 2)

3/12/17: Newberg-Wilsonville: The Sequel (Level 2)

  • March 11, 2017 3:11 PM
    Reply # 4661392 on 4654063

    Due to the unexpected high flow level on the Willamette, we are shifting the location to the North Fork Reservoir for tomorrows trip. For those of you that have not been there yet, the North Fork Reservoir is 350 acres of beautiful scenery on the Clackamas River. This time of year we are likely to be the only ones on the water since the regular boat launch ramps are still closed. The plan is to paddle up to the end of the reservoir where the Clackamas River enters and play a bit in the currents, it’s a great place to practice your skills in moving water, then to head down to the dam and back to the launch site. Total time will be in the 3-4 hour timeframe and 6-7 miles range if we do the circumnavigation of the lake. The weather looks promising with only a very slight chance of showers and a high of 59 degrees. Water temp is still likely to be in the mid 40’s so dress in appropriate immersion protection. Also don’t forget that Daylight Savings starts tonight, so no excuses for showing up late allowed. We will still meet at 10AM and be in the water by 11AM.

    We will be launching a short way down the road at another site I have used a few time before, 40312 Clackamas Highway. Use the link below to get the exact directions from Google Maps. There is also a picture below showing where we will be parking, the gate will be closed at this time of the year but we can park on the sides of the entrance or on the street. It’s a couple of hundred feet to the launch so if you have wheels for your boat, good idea to bring them. There has been a porta potty at this site in the past but no way to guarantee it will be there now. Also, no drinking water at this launch site so bring plenty plus any food or snacks. I will plan on getting there a bit early so you can see where I parked.,+Estacada,+OR+97023/@45.2335736,-122.2553605,284m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x54be2a9a0b6195ab:0x9dd4306e3308dc71!8m2!3d45.2335273!4d-122.254172

  • March 07, 2017 7:39 PM
    Message # 4654063
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This trip is limited to OOPS members with WEC.  To register you'll need to log into your member account on the OOPS website.

    Narrative: We tried to do this paddle a few weeks ago but the river conditions were not safe then due to very heavy rain in the few days before the trip, with a 110,000 CFS and large trees floating down the river. 

    The good news is that it looks a lot more promising for this coming Sunday, we will launch from Rogers Landing in Newberg and taking out at Boones Ferry Marina in Wilsonville. The distance is approximately 11 miles with a current assist. There could be some moderate eddies to deal with along the way. We will meet at 10 AM at Rogers Landing and shuttle some vehicles to Boones Ferry Marina. Launch time will be at 11 AM. Total trip time should be in the 3-4 hour range depending on how much current assist we have that day. We will take a lunch break along the way at Champoeg State Park, so please bring food and water, perhaps something hot to drink. I have done this paddle both in summer and winter, likely not to have much or any other boat traffic that day. There is a $5 parking fee per vehicle at Boones Ferry Marina. This is rated as a Level 2 trip due to the distance and current.

    Meeting Time: 10:00:00 AM
    Launch Time: 11:00:00 AM
    Type of activity: Paddle Trip
    Put in: Rogers Landing-Newberg
    Take out: Boones Ferry Marina-Wilsonville
    Route Alternative for bad weather: None
    Required equipment:  
    Minimum Immersion protection: Drysuit
    Primary Organizer: Bob Freshman
    Assistant Organizer(s): Richard Becker, Mel Wishan
    Has organizer paddled here before? Yes
    Has organizer led an OOPS paddle here before? No
    Organizer's first aid and CPR current? Yes
    First Aid /CPR Person: Bob Freshman
    Maximum number of paddlers: 14
    I certify that I understand and will conduct this activity in accordance with the OOPS Activity Policy: Yes
    Estimated Air Temperature: 45
    Estimated Water Temperature: 45
    Estimated Water Time: 3-4 Hours
    Tide times & heights: NA
    Current information: Up to 2 knots
    Wind strength: Level 1: 0-7 knots (8 mph)
    Swell/Surf size: Level 1: Under 1' waves, no breaking waves
    Sea state: Level 1: Waves up to the deck seam; water glassy to rippled, no whitecaps
    Landing types: Level 2: Frequent landing opportunities including docks or moderate sloping banks, brush or overhanging trees
    Currents: Level 2: Mild currents (up to 2 knots): current increases / decreases group speed by half
    Total distance: Level 2: 6 to 11 miles
    Open crossing: Level 1: No open crossing
    Paddling Environment:  
    Overall rating: Level 2
    Rating Comments: May have some moderate eddies along the way.
    Location (Optional):,-122.9651869,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xe7cb49dfb4224e13!8m2!3d45.2864514!4d-122.9651869
    Photos (optional):

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