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  • 3/10/17: Lord & Walker Islands (Level 2)

3/10/17: Lord & Walker Islands (Level 2)

  • March 06, 2017 6:51 PM
    Message # 4651974
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This trip is limited to OOPS members with WEC.  To register you'll need to log into your member account on the OOPS website.

    Narrative: We'll put in the Columbia at Dibblee Beach; cross over to the outside of Lord Island, then paddle with the current and outgoing tide down to the northern tip of Walker Island; where we'll turn the corner and stop for a break. Returning upstream in the sheltered waters on the Oregon side of the islands, we'll stop for lunch, then poke around the backwaters a bit before continuing back to the put-in point. Total distance - 9 miles.

    Meeting Time: 9:15:00 AM
    Launch Time: 10:00:00 AM
    Type of activity: Paddle Trip
    Put in: Dibblee Beach
    Take out: Dibblee Beach
    Route Alternative for bad weather: none
    Required equipment:  
    Minimum Immersion protection: Drysuit
    Primary Organizer: Don Durheim
    Assistant Organizer(s): Later
    Has organizer paddled here before? Yes
    Has organizer led an OOPS paddle here before? Yes
    Organizer's first aid and CPR current? No
    First Aid /CPR Person: Later
    Maximum number of paddlers: EIGHT
    I certify that I understand and will conduct this activity in accordance with the OOPS Activity Policy: Yes
    Estimated Air Temperature: between 40º and 47º F 
    Estimated Water Temperature: 40º F
    Estimated Water Time: 4 hrs (including breaks)
    Tide times & heights: Low Tide is 8:52 AM at Longview
    High Tide is 1:38 PM at Longview
    Current information: Between1-2 mph; max ebb is ~ 8:00 AM
    Hazards: Shipping traffic
    Wind strength: Level 1: 0-7 knots (8 mph)
    Swell/Surf size: Level 1: Under 1' waves, no breaking waves
    Sea state: Level 1: Waves up to the deck seam; water glassy to rippled, no whitecaps
    Landing types: Level 1: Frequent easy landing opportunities including gently sloping, sand, gravel or grass
    Currents: Level 2: Mild currents (up to 2 knots): current increases / decreases group speed by half
    Total distance: Level 2: 6 to 11 miles
    Open crossing: Level 2: Less than 1 mile
    Paddling Environment:  
    Overall rating: Level 2
    Rating Comments:  
    Location (Optional): Search: Lord Island, Columbia County, OR
    Photos (optional):

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  • 3/10/17: Lord & Walker Islands (Level 2)
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