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  • 01/01/2017 - New Year Day! Scappoose Bay to Warrior Rock Light - Level 1

01/01/2017 - New Year Day! Scappoose Bay to Warrior Rock Light - Level 1

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  • December 24, 2016 9:11 AM
    Reply # 4475479 on 4395269

    I thought I had signed up for this trip several weeks ago, but I do not see my name on the list of registrants.

  • December 23, 2016 12:06 PM
    Reply # 4474533 on 4395269

    Day use parking is $3/vehicle.  It's best to bring 3 one dollar bills as the kiosk, which is located across from Next Adventure paddling, does not give change.  Warren Country Inn might be a good choice for eating as they are very close to where we will paddle and can handle a larger group.  

  • December 23, 2016 11:34 AM
    Reply # 4474501 on 4395269
    Deleted user

    The Klondike Restaurant & Bar, on Cowlitz Street in St Helens, mentioned in the trip description has been a bit hit & miss the couple of times I've eaten there - soggy french fries and the like.  They may have changed cooks, but I will avoid the fish & chips as they have had some very unhappy customers who have ordered it in the past.  Breakfast has been always good enough however, and I may well fuel up there before the trip.  I'm not talking Otis Cafe good, but just a standard American breakfast and more seating. 

  • December 23, 2016 11:19 AM
    Reply # 4474496 on 4395269
    Deleted user

    Sometimes during the winter and/or holidays they stop collecting parking fees.  They don't put a sign up or anything; they just turn off the fee collection machine.  If it doesn't work for you, that's a good sign.  At least I think it is as I've never gotten a ticket from them when the machine is turned off.

  • December 23, 2016 9:04 AM
    Reply # 4474110 on 4395269

    So looking forward to this trip, as  beginning a tradition that will occur year after year. Thank you Princess Chris.

  • December 20, 2016 11:24 AM
    Reply # 4469086 on 4395269

    Thanks Stephen, for letting us know.

  • December 20, 2016 10:38 AM
    Reply # 4468977 on 4395269
    Deleted user

    Chris, I'm currently scheduled to go on this trip, but have changed my mind. I see there are quite a few folks going on this trip and that there is a "wait list". Hopefully, someone will still be able to fill my spot.

    Thanks for setting this trip up. It sounds great. My plans just changed. Hope to see you on the water later. 

    Peace - Stephen

  • November 16, 2016 6:12 AM
    Message # 4395269
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Narrative:    "Start 2017 out right—on the water!  Indeed, on New Year’s Day 2017, the sun, moon, and earth alignment will be perfect to create just the tide we need to paddle round-trip from Scappoose Bay Marina to Warrior Rock lighthouse and back with an 11 a.m. launch time.   If the weather is uncooperative, the venue may change, but plan to join us somewhere.  And for now, that somewhere is Scappoose Bay out to Warrior Rock.  We might poke into the sloughs that line Scappoose Bay. There is sometimes ice in these shallow backwaters in winter.  We might see huge ocean-going vessels heading to or from the Pacific once we reach the confluence with the Columbia.  This is a trip that will leave many different impressions. We’ll paddle in pods at a relaxed pace.  Marty promises us all yummy treats (like hot chocolate, rooibos lattes, and scones) when we take our lunch break on the beach near the Warrior Rock Light.

    This is a Level One trip, but it’s not suited for novices.  We’ll be on waterways where power boats travel, we’ll cross Multnomah Channel, and we’ll dip our bows, so to speak, into the Columbia.  Even though we’ll have the tides in our favor both directions, this is a six-mile trip.  The water will be cold.  Paddlers should expect to stay with a pod.  Drysuits are required; they are available to rent from Portland vendors if you don’t own one. 

    Pop into Next Adventure’s Scappoose Bay Paddling Center when you arrive.  They know we’ll be there, and they told me that the coffee’s on!  There are public restrooms at the marina parking area, and a day-use fee for parking.  The marina is easy to find.  Take Hwy. 30 to Warren, turn east on Bennett Rd. at milepost 25.8, then immediate left on Old Portland Road.  You’ll see the Scappoose Bay Paddling Center and the marina.
    Plan to arrive by 10:15 to allow time to unload, park, and be ready to be on the water by 11 a.m.

    After paddle:  For those who want to keep the recreation going, we can choose an after-paddle venue when it’s closer to the date.  The Klondike in St. Helens is a possibility.
    Meeting Time:    10:15:00 AM

    Launch Time:    11:00:00 AM

    Type of activity:    Paddle Trip

    Put in:    Scappoose Bay Marina

    Take out:    Scappoose Bay Marina

    Route Alternative for bad weather:    TBD

    Required equipment:   

    Minimum Immersion protection:    Drysuit

    Primary Organizer:    Chris Mayou

    Assistant Organizer(s):    Marty Martinez, Dan Numbers, Bob Freshman, Steve Pruett, Monte Johnson, Mel Wishan

    Has organizer paddled here before?    Yes

    Has organizer led an OOPS paddle here before?    No

    Organizer's first aid and CPR current?    Yes

    First Aid /CPR Person:   

    Maximum number of paddlers:    20; we will use pods. 
    Happy New Year!  Let's all paddle!

    I certify that I understand and will conduct this activity in accordance with the OOPS Activity Policy:    Yes

    Estimated Air Temperature:    45

    Estimated Water Temperature:    45

    Estimated Water Time:    3-4 hours

    Tide times & heights:    Low tide about 12:30 p.m.  We'll paddle with the tide both directions.

    Current information:    1 knot maybe.  We will monitor the weather forecasts.


    Wind strength:    Level 1:  0-7 knots (8 mph)

    Swell/Surf size:    Level 1:  Under 1' waves, no breaking waves

    Sea state:    Level 1:  Waves up to the deck seam; water glassy to rippled, no whitecaps

    Landing types:    Level 1:  Frequent easy landing
    opportunities including gently sloping, sand, gravel or grass

    Currents:    Level 1:  None or mild (less than 1 knot)

    Total distance:    Level 1:  Up to 6 miles

    Open crossing:    Level 2:  Less than 1 mile

    Overall rating:    Level 1

    Rating Comments:   

    Location (Optional):    57420 Old Portland Rd,  Warren, OR 97053

    Last modified: November 17, 2016 8:54 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
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