To sign up for this trip get on the "Request Approval Waitlist" waitlist. When you are approved for the trip the TO will send you a password for a "Approved For Trip by TO" ticket.
Full Name: Dennis Pennell
Narrative: This is a two day event at Deception Pass State Park near Anacortes, Washington. You can come for one day or both days. You can camp at Deception Pass State Park, or stay wherever you choose so long as you can be at the meeting location on time.
Deception Pass is the most popular state park in Washington state for good reason. It is the intersection of land and sea, with beaches, cliffs, a menagerie of wildlife that flies, swims, or runs, and millions of cubic feet of water move through a narrow opening with every tide cycle from Skagit Bay to the ocean and back again. It has several campgrounds, hiking trails, and boat ramps. There are restaurants and pubs within easy driving range in Oak Harbor and Anacortes.
Launch times are not flexible, as ocean tides do what they do when they do it and we must be ready. If you are late, you will be left behind.
If conditions are suitable, we will have a play day in the Deception Pass Narrows on the second day, primarily utilizing the ebb currents to practice peel outs, ferries, upstream attainment, and whatever other opportunities are available.
The first day will be a tour. See day 1 posting for specifics.
All trip location decisions will be made on site at the time based on conditions. As with many saltwater paddling events, the primary environmental factor is the wind speed and direction.
Meeting place and time
Specific details of meeting time and place will be shared with participants closer to the event. In general, we will meet at either the Washington Park Boat Ramp in Anacortes, WA., Bowman Bay Boat Ramp, or at the Cornet Bay Boat Ramp, depending on where we are going to paddle that day. There are other launching locations in the area that could be used if needed.
Be sure to bring your Discover Pass! You will likely get a ticket if you don’t have one. Note that a current camping receipt also works as a parking permit, but only until 1:00 PM on the day you check out of the campground. You can buy a Discover Pass at the park if you wish.
Trip Organizer’s Notes
This trip is an opportunity to develop our skills in the company of other paddlers. This is not a class. Everyone can bring skills that they want to work on. We will work together in mutual support of skills and safety.
Deception Pass Narrows is essentially a low-gradient, very high volume salty whitewater river, where the currents constantly change speed and also change direction with the ebb and flood of the tides. It is known for erratic currents and whirlpools.
For any potential Deception Pass Narrows paddling, participants must have previous experience paddling in currents, such as whitewater paddling or prior experience in Deception Pass. A roll is useful, but not mandatory. I expect people may capsize and either self-rescue or get rescued by others.
For the open water tours, especially any tours to Alan and Burrows Islands, participants must have OOPS level 3 experience and skills.
This is the second day of a two day event.
Meet at Bowman Bay whenever you need to so as to be ready for a safety talk 7:45 AM and launching at 8:00 AM. The ebb starts about 7:20 AM, so with an 8:30 AM launch the current will already be building in Deception Pass and Canoe Pass.
If you are late, you will be left behind.
Paddle from Bowman Bay around to Deception Pass and play in the ebb currents of Canoe Pass.
Max ebb is predicted for 10:09 AM with 6.42 knots of current.
Meeting Time: 7:15:00 AM
Launch Time: 8:00:00 AM
Type of activity: Paddle Trip
Put in: Bowman Bay Boat Ramp, Deception Pass State Park, GPS Coordinates 48°25'00.3"N 122°39'03.7"W
Take out: Bowman Bay Boat Ramp, Deception Pass State Park, GPS Coordinates 48°25'00.3"N 122°39'03.7"W
Route Alternative for bad weather: To be determined at time of event
Required equipment: Helmet, Towline
Minimum Immersion protection: Drysuit
Primary Organizer: Dennis Pennell
Co-Organizer(s): Steve Blackwood
Has organizer paddled here before? Yes
Has organizer led an OOPS paddle here before? Yes
Organizer's first aid and CPR current? Yes
First Aid /CPR Person:
Maximum number of paddlers: 8
I certify that I understand and will conduct this activity in accordance with the OOPS Activity Policy: Yes
Estimated Air Temperature: 45
Estimated Water Temperature: 45
Estimated Water Time (including breaks/lunch): 4 hours
Tide times & heights: 2025/03/19 Wed 01:18 AM 5.29 L
2025/03/19 Wed 06:49 AM 6.88 H
2025/03/19 Wed 02:22 PM 0.35 L
2025/03/19 Wed 10:36 PM 6.23 H
Current information: Current Predictions: Deception Pass (Narrows) (PUG1701) Depth: 18 feet
LAT/LON: 48.4062° N 122.6431° W
Flood 108 degrees True, Ebb 277 degrees True
2025-03-19 2:12 AM
2025-03-19 4:25 AM
2025-03-19 7:17 AM
2025-03-19 10:09 AM
2025-03-19 2:02 PM
2025-03-19 4:35 PM
2025-03-19 8:32 PM
2025-03-19 11:11 PM
Hazards: Shipping traffic
Wind strength: Level 3: 12-16 knots (19 mph)
Swell/Surf size: Level 2: Waves up to 2', no breaking waves
Sea state: Level 2: Waves up to armpit; light to moderate chop, scattered whitecaps
Landing types: Level 3: Bad footing, rocky shores, or surf up to 1.5'
Currents: Level 5: Greater than 6 knots
Total distance: Level 2: 6 to 11 miles
Open crossing: Level 2: Between 0.5 and 1 miles
Paddling Environment:
Overall rating: Level 3
Rating Comments: Max predicted current is 6.42 knots. The duration at that flow will be brief.
Location: 48.40874643042011, -122.64546919567162
Photos (Optional):
COVID-19 Status of Trip: All participants of this trip must be vaccinated for Covid-19
Tide Station: StationName: BOWMAN BAY, FIDALGO ISLAND
Link to map of route (Optional)