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  • Cathlamet to Skamokawa the Long Route - L3 - T2504

Cathlamet to Skamokawa the Long Route - L3 - T2504

  • January 20, 2025
  • 9:00 AM
  • Elochman Slough Marina
  • 2


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Full Name: Dennis Pennell
Narrative: This is day one of two back to back trips.
This trip requires a vehicle shuttle. We will meet at Elochman Slough Marina in Cathlamet, set up and run a shuttle to Skamokawa, return to Cathlamet, and then start paddling.
Once we launch, we will immediately ferry across the Columbia River to Puget Island. We will paddle downstream in the channel between Puget Island and Ryan Island to the end of the channel and turn southwest toward Oregon. Then paddle in the channel between Tenasillahe Island and Oregon mainland downstream and maybe explore the small islands between Quinns Island and Welch Island. Eventually we will turn to the northeast and head for the take-out at Skamokawa.

Shore breaks will be taken as needed, including an on shore lunch.

Please consider bringing warm food, hot drinks, extra clothes, and maybe a garment to wear during shore breaks such as a storm cag, raincoat, or oversized parka. Gloves, pogies, rain hats, extra layers under your drysuit, and such will be good to have. 

If you are inclined to do both days, there are lodging options in Cathlamet, such as a hotel, yurts and cabins, and camping. There is a brewery in Cathlamet about 100 yards from the boat ramp. There are also a couple other pubs and restaurants.

Meeting Time: 9:00:00 AM
Launch Time: 10:00:00 AM
Type of activity: Paddle Trip
Put in: Elochman Slough Marina
Take out: Skamokawa Boat Ramp 46.270210788131415, -123.456421536277
Route Alternative for bad weather: Paddle the sloughs instead of the main Columbia River.
Required equipment: Towline
Minimum Immersion protection: Drysuit
Primary Organizer: Dennis Pennell
Co-Organizer(s): Ken Sund
Has organizer paddled here before? Yes
Has organizer led an OOPS paddle here before? No
Organizer's first aid and CPR current? Yes
First Aid /CPR Person:
Maximum number of paddlers: 10
I certify that I understand and will conduct this activity in accordance with the OOPS Activity Policy: Yes
Estimated Air Temperature: 45
Estimated Water Temperature: 45
Estimated Water Time (including breaks/lunch): 4 hours
Tide times & heights: Date Day of the Week Time (LST/LDT) Predicted (ft) High/Low
2025/01/20 Mon 12:00 AM 0.97 -
2025/01/20 Mon 01:00 AM 0.99 -
2025/01/20 Mon 02:00 AM 1.64 -
2025/01/20 Mon 03:00 AM 2.94 -
2025/01/20 Mon 04:00 AM 4.52 -
2025/01/20 Mon 05:00 AM 5.80 -
2025/01/20 Mon 06:00 AM 6.51 -
2025/01/20 Mon 07:00 AM 6.55 -
2025/01/20 Mon 08:00 AM 5.96 -
2025/01/20 Mon 09:00 AM 4.96 -
2025/01/20 Mon 10:00 AM 3.85 -
2025/01/20 Mon 11:00 AM 2.88 -
2025/01/20 Mon 12:00 PM 2.18 -
2025/01/20 Mon 1:00 PM 1.85 -
2025/01/20 Mon 2:00 PM 1.91 -
2025/01/20 Mon 3:00 PM 2.45 -
2025/01/20 Mon 4:00 PM 3.35 -
2025/01/20 Mon 5:00 PM 4.22 -
2025/01/20 Mon 6:00 PM 4.78 -
Current information: Hunting Island, south of (PCT1216) Depth: 20 feet LAT/LON: 46.2072° N 123.4042° W
Time (LST/LDT) Event Speed (knots)
2025-01-20 3:25 AM slack -
2025-01-20 4:52 AM flood 0.37
2025-01-20 7:07 AM slack -
2025-01-20 12:11 PM ebb -0.94
2025-01-20 4:32 PM slack -
2025-01-20 5:21 PM flood 0.19
2025-01-20 7:07 PM slack -
2025-01-20 11:58 PM ebb -0.73
Hazards: Shipping traffic
Wind strength: Level 3: 12-16 knots (19 mph)
Swell/Surf size: Level 2: Waves up to 2', no breaking waves
Sea state: Level 3: Waves to paddle tops; numerous whitecaps, waves becoming longer
Landing types: Level 2: Frequent landing opportunities including docks or moderate sloping banks, brush or overhanging trees
Currents: Level 2: Mild currents (up to 2 knots): current increases / decreases group speed by half
Total distance: Level 3: 11 to 15 miles
Open crossing: Level 3: 1 to 2 miles
Paddling Environment:
Overall rating: Level 3
Rating Comments: Several factors in the level 3 range.
Location: 46.20548110435358, -123.38777676590783
Photos (Optional):
COVID-19 Status of Trip: All participants of this trip must be vaccinated for Covid-19
Tide Station: Wauna Oregon
Link to map of route (Optional)

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