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  • Skamokawa Event: Deep River/ Grays Bay back to Vista Park - L3

Skamokawa Event: Deep River/ Grays Bay back to Vista Park - L3

  • September 29, 2024
  • 9:20 AM
  • Vista Park Campground
  • 6


  • Active club members with wet exit certification, including kayaking professional and lifetime.
  • A level 1 paddler requires no WEC. this ticket is for anyone.
  • Password Reserved for TO use
Timestamp 9/22/2024 12:18:25
Full Name: Ken Sund
Email address:
Phone: 707-481-4608
Activity Title: Deep River/ Grays Bay back to Scamakowa paddle
Date of Activity: 9/29/2024
Narrative: Join Ken Sund and Franca Cioria on a 14 NM mostly shoreline paddle upstream back to Scamakowa. We will launch at the Deep River ramp
at around 10 AM into a rising tide, paddle out Grays Bay then catch the flood back to Scamakowa. We will need to coordinate with someone to drive back to retrieve vehicles. My truck can carry 4 or 5 boats.
Note- This is a paddle Will (long distance) Greenough was going to lead. I used his notes and have taken it over. Any mistakes will be mine.
Talk to me if you have any questions or comments. We will be able to review this and other paddles at the campground.

Meeting Time: 9:20:00 AM
Launch Time: 10:00:00 AM
Type of activity: Paddle Trip
Put in:
Take out: Park campground
Route Alternative for bad weather: Bad weather may cancel
Required equipment: Towline
Minimum Immersion protection: Farmer John
Primary Organizer: Ken Sund
Co-Organizer(s): TBD at campground
Has organizer paddled here before? No
Has organizer led an OOPS paddle here before? No
Organizer's first aid and CPR current? Yes
First Aid /CPR Person: Ken Sund and others
Maximum number of paddlers: 6 capable of 14 NM, more with more TOs
I certify that I understand and will conduct this activity in accordance with the OOPS Activity Policy: Yes
Estimated Air Temperature: Mid 60s
Estimated Water Temperature: high 50s
Estimated Water Time (including breaks/lunch): 5 hours 35 minutes
Tide times & heights: -.2' at 7:06 AM, 6.7' at 12:51 PM, 1.4' at 7:14 PM = The tide will push us upstream.
Current information: Maybe 1.5 kts in our direction, maybe stronger around Brookfield and Three Tree points.
Hazards: Shipping traffic
Wind strength: Level 1: 0-7 knots (8 mph)
Swell/Surf size: Level 1: Under 1' waves, no breaking waves
Sea state: Level 1: Waves up to the deck seam; water glassy to rippled, no whitecaps
Landing types: Level 3: Bad footing, rocky shores, or surf up to 1.5'
Currents: Level 2: Mild currents (up to 2 knots): current increases / decreases group speed by half
Total distance: Level 3: 11 to 15 miles
Open crossing: Level 2: Between 0.5 and 1 miles
Paddling Environment:
Overall rating: Level 3
Rating Comments: I rate this at L-3 for distance and some areas where landing is not easy. Although the low wind may be at our back, paddlers who are not in good condition may struggle with 14 NM.
Location: North shores of the Columbia River between Grays Bay and Skamakowa. If you know any fishermen, borrow their Columbia River (lower) Fish N Map.
Photos (Optional):
COVID-19 Status of Trip: Participants of this trip may, or may not, be vaccinated for Covid-19
Tide Station: Harrington Point, Wa.
Link to map of route (Optional)
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