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Skills sessions for the women of OOPS - L2

  • September 15, 2024
  • 8:00 AM
  • Cedar Oak. 4600 Elmran Drive, West Linn
  • 0


  • Waitlist for paddle. 6 participants to be selected from this waitlist.
  • Password Reserved for TO use

Registration is closed
Full Name: Brenda C Brewer
Narrative: Let's go practice!
The idea for this session came to me while paddling with Fred Harsman recently, who suggested I work on my forward stroke - and then kindly helped me. This prompted the thought that perhaps other women paddlers might benefit as well - after all, most of us don’t have the upper body strength that most guys do, so it’s even more important to engage our core and paddle efficiently. And not just strokes, but also rescues.

So this session is for the women of OOPS who would like to work on their skills. If you want to work and improve your paddling, sculling, edging, and rescue techniques, please join Brenda and Fred for a fun morning at Cedar Oak.

The session will be limited to six participants so that each individual will have the time to focus on her skills in a supportive setting. We will start with a talk about an efficient stroke, and rescue techniques. Next we will break into two groups - three folks will work with Fred on paddling, while the other three practice will rescues with me. After about an hour and a half, we will take a break and then switch groups. After about another hour and a half, we will take another break and wrap it up.

Please note this is a wet and interactive session - come prepared to get in the water, get back in your boat, and also to help get someone else back in her boat. Spray skirts are required. A minimum of Farmer John/Jane wetsuits strongly recommended, as well as a set of dry clothes when we are done. Bring snacks for the break (always!) Everyone will start out on the wait list , and then the 6 participants will receive a password to get a "Selected Participants" ticket.

Meeting Time: 8:00:00 AM
Launch Time: 8:45:00 AM
Type of activity: Paddle Trip
Put in: Cedar Oak. 4600 Elmran Drive, West Linn, OR 97068 (We will put in at the little beach next to the boat ramp)
Take out: Cedar Oak. 4600 Elmran Drive, West Linn, OR
Route Alternative for bad weather: None
Required equipment:
Minimum Immersion protection: Farmer John
Primary Organizer: Brenda C. Brewer
Co-Organizer(s): Fred Harsman
Has organizer paddled here before? Yes
Has organizer led an OOPS paddle here before? No
Organizer's first aid and CPR current? Yes
First Aid /CPR Person: Brenda C. Brewer, Fred Harsman
Maximum number of paddlers: 8
I certify that I understand and will conduct this activity in accordance with the OOPS Activity Policy: Yes
Estimated Air Temperature: About 55-58 F at 8am, up to about 68 by noon
Estimated Water Temperature: Upper 60's
Estimated Water Time (including breaks/lunch): 3.5 hours
Tide times & heights: High tide: 3 feet at 2:52 am.
Low tide -0.06 feet at 11:57 am.
High tide: 2.23 feet at 4:28 pm.
Current information: 1-2 mph
Wind strength: Level 2: 7-12 knots (14 mph) – wind noticeably effects movement of paddle
Swell/Surf size: Level 1: Under 1' waves, no breaking waves
Sea state: Level 1: Waves up to the deck seam; water glassy to rippled, no whitecaps
Landing types: Level 1: Frequent easy landing opportunities including gently sloping, sand, gravel or grass
Currents: Level 2: Mild currents (up to 2 knots): current increases / decreases group speed by half
Total distance: Level 1: Up to 6 miles
Open crossing: Level 1: Less than 0.5 miles
Paddling Environment:
Overall rating: Level 2
Rating Comments: Level 2 due to current, possible wind, and frequent immersions.
Location: Cedar Oak. 4600 Elmran Drive, West Linn, OR 97068
Photos (Optional):
COVID-19 Status of Trip: Participants of this trip may, or may not, be vaccinated for Covid-19
Tide Station: Tide Station: Morrison Bridge

Current information: 1 mph
Link to map of route (Optional)
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