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  • REI Membership Q&A Table - session one

REI Membership Q&A Table - session one

  • July 28, 2024
  • 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM
  • 12160 SE 82nd Ave Suite 3015, Happy Valley, OR 97086


  • OOPS Volunteer to tell REI visitors about OOPS

Registration is closed

REI has invited us to staff a table at an REI store to spread the word about OOPS. They will supply a table and chairs, we will bring kayaking props and OOPS information, including registration instructions. 

I've set up three overlapping sessions of two hours apiece. Sign up for one - or all if you like!

As the OOPS representative, you'll tell passer-bys all the wonderful benefits of being part of OOPS, giving advice on necessary gear (Yes - a lifejacket is really important) and just be generally friendly.

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