Comments and Discussion
This trip is limited to OOPS members. To successfully register you will need to sign into your OOPS member account.
Full Name: Steve Blackwood Phone: 15033477463 Activity Title: Pool Skill Practice Date of Activity: 12/4/2021 Narrative: This is you opportunity to practice and develop your skills in the warm safe water of the Oregon City pool. You can practice self rescues, sculling, edging, rolling or whatever you have been feeling was a little to risky in the open water. If you need wet exit certification this can be accomplished by emailing Trips in advance. We can help each other improve our paddling abilities. We have the pool for one hour so we need to be punctual. Plan on being a little early to get your boat ready to haul in and being finished a little early to get out of the way of the next incoming group. The fee for members is $10.00. Meeting Time: 5:55:00 PM Launch Time: 6:00:00 PM Type of activity: Class Put in: Oregon City Pool Take out: Oregon City Pool Route Alternative for bad weather: none Required equipment: Minimum Immersion protection: None Primary Organizer: Steve Blackwood Assistant Organizer(s): Has organizer paddled here before? No Has organizer led an OOPS paddle here before? No Organizer's first aid and CPR current? Yes First Aid /CPR Person: Maximum number of paddlers: 15 I certify that I understand and will conduct this activity in accordance with the OOPS Activity Policy: Yes Estimated Air Temperature: 75 Estimated Water Temperature: 82 Estimated Water Time (including breaks/lunch): 1 Tide times & heights: 0 Current information: 0 Hazards: Wind strength: Level 1: 0-7 knots (8 mph) Swell/Surf size: Level 1: Under 1' waves, no breaking waves Sea state: Level 1: Waves up to the deck seam; water glassy to rippled, no whitecaps Landing types: Level 1: Frequent easy landing opportunities including gently sloping, sand, gravel or grass Currents: Level 1: None or mild (less than 1 knot) Total distance: Level 1: Up to 6 miles Open crossing: Level 1: No open crossing Paddling Environment: Overall rating: Level 1 Rating Comments: Location (Optional): Photos (optional): COVID-19 Status of Trip All participants of this trip must be vaccinated for Covid-19
Oregon Ocean Paddling SocietyPortland, Oregon