This trip is limited to members with a wet exit certification. To successfully register you will need to sign into your OOPS member account, and your account will need to be a member of the "Wet Exit Certified" group. Your acceptance is conditional on approval by the Organizer, who may contact you with questions about your skills and equipment. If the measured water temperature is different enough from that listed below to warrant a change in required immersion protection, the Organizer will contact all participants and the Trips Board member with the update at least a day before the trip.
Narrative: Start 2020 out right! Join Marty Martinez and me, Chris Mayou, along with other Trip Organizers* on our fourth annual OOPS New Year’s Day trip. Our 2019 route with a potluck was great fun, so we’re going to repeat that. We’ll launch from Portland’s Willamette Park on the morning of January 1st. There is a fee for parking; $6/day in winter for vehicles without a trailer.
We’ll head upstream, passing by Milwaukie Bay Park and scenic Elk Rock on our way to Foothills Park. We’ll take out there for lunch, utilizing the docks and access ramp or perhaps the bank. The trip back will have both a tidal and current assist. Total miles round-trip will be about nine.
Let’s make this a potluck! Bring your own plate, utensils, beverage (maybe a hot one), and a dish to share. There are plenty of electrical outlets at the shelter should you need that.
We should be able to use the stone fireplace for ambiance and perhaps a tad of warmth, and the OOPS gas firepits may make an appearance as well. Bring along your storm cag or large jacket to throw over your drysuit at lunch to stay warm while you’re not moving those muscles. If you can bring along a small log or two or three for the fireplace, please let me know.
Arrive at Willamette Park by 9:45 a.m., so that you’re ready for the safety chat by 10:30 a.m. Our goal is to launch by 10:45 a.m. Wheels can be helpful but are not needed. You can choose to launch from the dock or the beach. There are bathrooms at both Willamette and Foothill Parks.
Drysuits required. We will observe the Four Ps: Please Plan to be Pod Participant! If you are a lone wolf, this is not the trip for you. We WILL be paddling in pods. This Level Two trip is suitable for boats 12 ft. and longer; no inflatables, please. Intermediate-advanced SUP paddlers who can keep up with kayaks welcome.
Lake Oswego’s Foothills Park “features sweeping views of the river from a covered platform; a ring of basalt columns engraved with the poetry of William Stafford (the Stafford Stones); a timber and stone picnic pavilion with a stone fireplace; pathways, a reflecting pond, and a grass amphitheater.” The park amenities include wi-fi accessibility.
*Thanks go out to these Trip Organizers who signed on early so that we can have many paddlers: Rich Becker, Julia Bergren, Steve Blackwood, Bob Freshman, Monte Johnston, Michael Kipley, Stacy Ozer, Jillian Rivas-Davila, David Smith, Bill Vonnegut, Mel Wishan, Patty Swanson.
Willamette Park, 6500 SW Macadam Ave, Portland, OR 97219
Foothills Park:
Meeting Time: 9:45:00 AM
Launch Time: 10:30:00 AM
Type of activity: Paddle Trip
Put in: Willamette Park, 6500 SW Macadam Ave, Portland, OR 97219
Take out: Willamette Park, 6500 SW Macadam Ave, Portland, OR 97219
Route Alternative for bad weather: TBD
Required equipment:
Minimum Immersion protection: Drysuit
Primary Organizer: Chris Mayou
Assistant Organizer(s): Marty Martinez, Rich Becker, Julia Bergren, Steve Blackwood, Bob Freshman, Monte Johnston, Michael Kipley, Stacy Ozer, Jillian Rivas-Davila, David Smith, Bill Vonnegut, Mel Wishan
Has organizer paddled here before? Yes
Has organizer led an OOPS paddle here before? Yes
Organizer's first aid and CPR current? Yes
First Aid /CPR Person:
Maximum number of paddlers: 34
I certify that I understand and will conduct this activity in accordance with the OOPS Activity Policy: Yes
Estimated Air Temperature: 40
Estimated Water Temperature: 40
Estimated Water Time (including breaks/lunch): 5-6 hours
Tide times & heights: Projected Tide at Morrison Street Bridge
2020/01/01 Wed 09:34 AM 2.10 H
2020/01/01 Wed 4:01 PM 1.03 L
2020/01/01 Wed 9:06 PM 2.34 H
Current information: Unknown; approximately one knot. We will avoid current as much as possible going upstream and take advantage of it traveling downstream.
Wind strength: Level 1: 0-7 knots (8 mph)
Swell/Surf size: Level 1: Under 1' waves, no breaking waves
Sea state: Level 1: Waves up to the deck seam; water glassy to rippled, no whitecaps
Landing types: Level 2: Frequent landing opportunities including docks or moderate sloping banks, brush or overhanging trees
Currents: Level 2: Mild currents (up to 2 knots): current increases / decreases group speed by half
Total distance: Level 2: 6 to 11 miles
Open crossing: Level 1: No open crossing
Paddling Environment:
Overall rating: Level 2
Rating Comments:
Location (Optional): Willamette Park, 6500 SW Macadam Ave, Portland, OR 97219
Photos (optional): yes