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Waldo Lake

  • August 26, 2018
  • August 30, 2018
  • unknown
  • 2


  • (includes all OOPS event and camping expenses for one member)
  • (for OOPS members not using OOPS' campsite; a non-member non-paddling travel partner does not need to register)
  • (Event Manager, Trip Czar, and Concierge only)
  • (you must be confirmed by Trip Czar; not for general registration)
  • (you must be confirmed by Trip Czar; not for general registration; a non-member non-paddling travel partner does not need to register)

Registration is closed

To successfully register you will need to sign into your OOPS member account.  

Please note that Level 1 trips cannot be guaranteed . 

If an event registration category is sold out, please use the waitlist option to be placed in the queue for possible registration.  You do not need to pay the registration fee to join the waitlist; you will only pay it if you complete the registration process once you're notified that there is an opening.

Additional information:  You will find event information on the OOPS website in the Activities Section:  Annual Events.  Find the event, click on the link, then scroll until you find the current year information.

1) EVERY PERSON, including Trip Organizers and On-site staff, must complete this electronic registration. If you are attending with a NON-paddling partner or family member(s), and staying at an OOPS site, please use the "plus guest" registration.

2) Registration fees for this Event are inclusive and cover all days of camping, any additional extra vehicle fee, and other Event expenses, including firewood for group gatherings when fires are allowed and staff and trip supplies.

3) Registration Categories. You will only choose ONE.

1. OOPS Camp Site (includes all OOPS event and camping expenses for one member)

2. OOPS Camp Site + Guest (includes all OOPS event and camping expenses for one member and one non-paddling guest; guest MUST carpool)

3. Off-site accommodation (fee to cover non-camping Event costs)

4. Trip Organizer (confirmed by Trip Czar)

5. Event Staff (Event Manager, Trip Czar, and one Concierge)

4) You must be a paid-up member of OOPS to paddle at this event, and you must be wet-exit certified prior to attending the event unless you participate in only Level 1 trips (when available) and you are NOT wearing a sprayskirt. Non-members are welcome but will not be allowed to participate in OOPS paddling trips unless pre-approved to do so. Please be certain to review the Trip Level criteria on the OOPS website if you have any questions: OOPS Rating system:

5) Watch for future emails about potlucks and other social events!

6) Immersion protection may be required, pending water temperature/conditions. See the club website under Resources/OOPS Documents/Activity Policies and scroll down to Cold Water Protective Clothing. Please be prepared.

7) OOPS Cancellation Policy:  Cancellations will be allowed a full refund up to within 4 weeks before the beginning of the event.  50% refunds allowed between 2-4 weeks prior, with a full refund IF we fill the spot.  After that, full refunds will be provided ONLY IF we are able to find a replacement.  All refunds will be done after the event. Cancellations are done through the Event Manager only.  Thank you.

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