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  • Nehalem Jetty Exploration (Level 1)

Nehalem Jetty Exploration (Level 1)

  • July 13, 2017
  • 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Nehalem Bay State Park Boat Ramp
  • 7


  • Active club members, including kayaking professional and lifetime. Provisional acceptance, pending approval by the Trip Organizer.

Registration is closed

This trip is limited to OOPS members who are WEC.  To register you will need to sign into your member account.

Narrative: On Thursday, July 13th, Nehalem Bay is on ebb until 11:06 am, then on flood until 5:11 pm, with a bit more than a 6 ft. tidal change. I was thinking of launching from the SP boat ramp about 1 pm and heading out to the Nehalem Jetty. Those with helmets and confidence could play in as much swell and surf as they deemed safe and interesting. The rest could watch from calm waters paddling against the flood, and pick up any flotsam and jetsam the more adventurous group produces. This would give us a chance at gauging conditions in an area new to many of us, while using the safety of the incoming tide plus its help in getting home, 2-3 miles at most. 

For those that can make camp early, this trip will give us an idea of the strength of the flood tide and the ocean conditions which will be helpful in planning additional trips for the weekend event. This is likely the only event that will have a signup via the web site. If you don't signup but happen to make camp in time and decide at the last minute you would like to come, please show up and we will see what accommodation can be made.

While we can keep this trip at a level 1 by choice, some may choose to increase the level above this at the jetty. We will determine what activities we can safely support based on the number of TOs and their comfort level with the observed ocean conditions. 
Meeting Time: 1:00:00 PM
Launch Time: 1:30:00 PM
Type of activity: Paddle Trip
Put in: Nehalem Bay SP Boat Ramp
Take out: Nehalem Bay SP Boat Ramp
Route Alternative for bad weather: None
Required equipment: Helmet
Minimum Immersion protection: Farmer John
Primary Organizer: Rich Becker
Assistant Organizer(s): Stuart Teicher
Has organizer paddled here before? No
Has organizer led an OOPS paddle here before? No
Organizer's first aid and CPR current? Yes
First Aid /CPR Person:  
Maximum number of paddlers: 14
I certify that I understand and will conduct this activity in accordance with the OOPS Activity Policy: Yes
Estimated Air Temperature: 61
Estimated Water Temperature: 56
Estimated Water Time: 2 hrs
Tide times & heights: Ebb ends at 11:06, -2 inches; Flood ends at 5:11 pm, 6 ft.
Current information: < 260 cfs
Wind strength: Level 1: 0-7 knots (8 mph)
Swell/Surf size: Level 1: Under 1' waves, no breaking waves
Sea state: Level 1: Waves up to the deck seam; water glassy to rippled, no whitecaps
Landing types: Level 1: Frequent easy landing opportunities including gently sloping, sand, gravel or grass
Currents: Level 2: Mild currents (up to 2 knots): current increases / decreases group speed by half
Total distance: Level 1: Up to 6 miles
Open crossing: Level 1: No open crossing
Paddling Environment:  
Overall rating: Level 1
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