This trip is limited to members with a wet exit certification. To successfully register you will need to sign into your OOPS member account, and your account will need to be a member of the "Wet Exit Certified" group.
Narrative: Get your crab hawks & hand lines together. We'll go fishing for dungeness at Tillamook Bay.
Launch site is in Garibaldi on the south side of the marina. From there we will paddle out to seek out the crabs on the flooding current.
We will likely have to rocky around the many fishing boats out for the weekend.
Required in addition to hand held crabbing equipment is an Oregon Shellfish License & of course your invading species permit.
Also required is a knife or scissors accessibly attached to your PFD.
Start Point: Garibaldi Marina Kayak Launch
End Point: Garibaldi Marina Kayak Launch
Route Alternative for bad weather: Leave your kayaks on your vehicles...we may need to change venues.
Required Equipment: Towline, knife or shears accessible on PFD
Minimum Immersion Protection: Dry suit
Primary Organizer: Ryc Williamsoni
Secondary Organizer: tbd if needed
Has organizer been on this paddle before?: Yes
Has organizer led an OOPS activity here before?: No
Organizer's first aid & CPR certification current?: Yes
First Aid / CPR person: Ryc
Max # of participants: 5
OOPS members only?: Yes
I certify that I have read, understand, and will conduct this Activity in accordance with the OOPS Activity Policy.: Yes
Estimated air temperature: 50's
Estimated water temperature: 50's
Estimated water time: 3-4 hours
Tide times & heights: 2016-12-03 03:34 PST 7.14 feet High Tide
2016-12-03 08:57 PST 3.74 feet Low Tide
2016-12-03 14:26 PST 8.01 feet High Tide
2016-12-03 21:33 PST 0.21 feet Low Tide
Current information: 09:45 PST 0.00 knots Slack 12:55 PST 2.49 knots Max Flood 15:24 PST -0.01 knots Slack, Ebb Begins
Hazards: Loose lines and equipment on deck...accessable knife or shears required.
Wind strength: 2. 7-12 knot (14 mph)
Swell/Surf size: 2. <2', no breaking waves
Sea state: 2. large wavelets, scattered whitecaps
Landing types: 1. gently sloping sand gravel or grass
Currents: 3. up to 4 knot
Total distance: 2. 6 to 11 miles
Open crossing: 2. less than 1 mile
Overall rating: 3. level three
Rating comment: I'm calling this level 3...possibly the wind might be higher then I guessed.
also fiddling with all of the crabbing gear & lines while holding position in possible conditions require a higher level of competency.